Here It Goes Again

Semester 2 done, semester 3 begins.

Time flies once again as everything happens so fast. Before I could finish singing the Alphabet, it’s already 2012!

So for my second semester, my friends and I took a backseat from the stress of exams because most of my modules only require final projects which are as crucial as exams. But without hurting ourselves, everything is completed as all that is well, ends well. For those who are taking ( or have already took) Malaysian Studies, just stop whining and do it. It IS a boring subject but since most of us have gone through Sejarah during our SPM, M’sian Studies is no different from us. We might not need it, but some misguided Malaysians might need it for their sake just to ensure that they don’t embarrass themselves in the future.

Some of you might not be aware that I’m writing this post on a very auspicious date, which is 11 November 2011 (11/11/11). I thought some superstitious  shit will happen when everything in time is at the number 11. Nope, nothing…

On 11.11 am, I was busy eating my brunch when I wasn’t aware of the time. What happened? food went into my stomach after I dumped it all out.

On, 11.11 pm, I was watching TV and that was it. Well, there was a blackout which happened in the neighbourhood but that was an hour earlier.

I seriously think the hype is way out of proportion. Kudos to the newborns who were born when time stands on one digit(11) which makes awesome ID numbers but for those who were whining about how this day would bring misfortune, don’t overreact…Life goes on normally. But if any misfortune happened, well it could have happened any day.



Viral Video of The Week

What could be worse than ridiculous Internet jokes? Ninjas…


Ok, so this is one of these things where a bunch of people catch random people off guard with their shenanigans. This whole thing begins where a badly dressed ‘ninja’ stands in the sidewalk with a sign which says “FIGHT ME” while holding a foam sword( just like the ones from Toys ‘R Us). Then, a random bystander accepts the challenge and picks up the sword, not knowing that this ‘ninja’ is summoning the rest of his so-called ‘mob’ to chase him/her. Their reactions were priceless.

While some just ran away from these ninjas, one middle-aged man played along with their playful ambush and fought these ninjas like how a father would play swordfights with his kids.

Well, the people responsible are known as Improv In Toronto. They are a group who improvise a few acts to capture the attention of the public. Their shenanigans include hugs, dancing in subways, handing gifts to strangers and all…

Go ahead and subscribe to their channel if you like.




Band On The Run

Well, it’s been a while and now I’m back.


Recently, I was given the link to this particular viral video which happened in Russia.


Yes, what you saw is real. This is a band jamming while moving on a motorcycle. Now this is what Paul McCartney meant by Band On The Run. Obviously, this is a viral hit and this shows you that the wacky world of Russia. Even though Russia is known for its peculiarity, nothing beats the ludicrous, outrageous, madcap, wacky Japanese. Okay, more on that later…



Wake Me Up When September Ends

So the month of September is ending, and the end of my second semester is a few weeks away. Now I’m thinking what I’m gonna do before the start of my third semester and subsequently my degree year.

It turns out that as time goes by, I’ve beginning to have some familiar company. My friends from Johor have started their college years in the Selangor/KL area. This is good because these are people that I went through thick and thin with. Now that we’re entering a new phase in our lives in a new city, life will be one heck of a ride.

So September has been a slightly eventful month. The Premier League getting into the heat of things and Man United keeping their flag flying high and also the events involving the nation. Well, for me, I just lived my life with no trouble so far…

But this particular event happened recently, the Empire Shopping Mall in Subang Jaya just had a serious explosion. NO, this isn’t some terrorist attempt. It was a gas leak which caused the explosion.

There goes our shopping plans at Jaya Grocer...

Thankfully, only 2-3 people were injured and the explosion occurred around  3am. Grocery shopping here? Not in a few weeks…

October October…Wonder what’s gonna happen in the month of October? Let’s just see…





Ah, Kuala Lumpur…

The city where you can enter any public transport vehicle which will eventually turn into a giant can of sardine. Take this advice; if you’re heading home via public transport during peak hours, this is where it happens. People pushing each other as they cram themselves into one bus or train.

It may be nuts, but deal with it because THIS IS KL.

Well, I guess that’s all…Now in the middle of a writer’s block.



Surprises, Surprises…

Life is so full of bloody surprises…

I’m now reaching the 10th week of my second semester. I swear this is has been the busiest few weeks of this semester. Assignment after assignment after assignment…My goodness, these assignments has surely given me headaches but not to fear, they’re all done according to plan. So, no stress…

One of the worst things to do is stressing yourself while completing your assignment. My time in college has taught me to remain calm and laidback when doing my work. Whether its 4 weeks or 4 days left to deadline day, I barely panicked and finished my assignment. You may say I’m lazy but I’m just making sure I don’t end up being a real kiasu fella.  Back in JB, I was that kiasu fella but things have got to change as I’m now in a new phase of my life. While some people just couldn’t take the stress and they tend to act erratically before submitting their work.

But there’s no complaining that life is good. Despite experiencing difficulties, I did not complain much and just deal with it. All of us must deal with whatever shit that comes in our way. Eventually, we will find our paradise.

Speaking of paradise, Coldplay just released a new song from their new album Mylo Xyloto. I seriously can’t wait!

Here’s another great song titled Paradise:



Three Weeks Gone

Damn, it’s been a while since I posted anything here and it felt like ages. This is what happens when you have three weeks of blank in your head. So…let’s sum it up in a few words.

So I’ve started my second semester after a month-long break. It’s nice to get back to my everyday routine and catch up with my college mates. This time, there’s old and new lecturers and the same-old antics, assignments and all…

Since it’s summer in US and the summer movie season is still on. I’ve watched most of the highly-anticipated blockbusters and none of the movies stand out like Fast Five which is the action movie of the year. The superhero movies like Thor, X-Men First Class, Captain America: The First Avenger were good whereas Green Lantern leaves a lot to be desired. Besides that, Transformers: Dark of The Moon was impressive only in terms of CGI effects but the plot is kind of ridiculous. Like the previous installments, this one is more of a mindless crazy action flick.

Then, I’ve also started cooking some delicious dishes with Marvin. Instead of normal rice with chicken and vegetables, we cooked this:

Steak. Glorious steak. Too bad I ate this entire lot until there’s no bits left but at least I occupied my free time by cooking some good dinner. At least in the kitchen a certain Scottish chef shouting “You donkey!” or “It’s RAW!” was not around. Anyone interested in throwing dinner parties, you know who to call. Nah, i’m just joking…Since Marvin found this recipe on the Internet, you guys can find it yourselves. Don’t be lazy…

And plus, the football season is coming soon. Finally, something to look forward to every week. Sooner or later I’m gonna get bored of playing FIFA 11 on Greg’s XBox 360 and watch some Premier League football for a change.

Ok, that sums it all up…

